Aug 18, 2010

Puerile Score Premieres 'It's Complicated' Card Collection

Today we launched a new line of greeting cards entitled, 'It's Complicated'. In an effort to supply public demands, Pueriles Score now offers words of encouragement for the friend or family member with 'mixed feelings'. This is for those poor, confused souls who want to express a hint of sentiment without feeling like a dick, because the rest of the world my care, but you have your personal reasons for not giving a fuck.

Now you have a chance to say what it is you've been holding onto, but just didn't have the balls to express it. Perhaps the timing was all wrong. Maybe, the right opportunity presented itself and the lines you rehearsed, escaped you. We understands that offering condolences to an asshole is a difficult feat to face. Don't worry, you are no longer alone. The world is full of wonderful creatures like you. We know you have a good heart. You're just a little upset over that dipshit who ruined some part of your life and is still alive because the Lord failed to duct tape their mouth, put them in the front seat of a semi and set it on fire. So now your stuck celebrating another birthday with this pissant.

Puerile Score is setting a new standard in communicating mixed feelings. Here is sample of our new line:

Jul 21, 2010

This Just In:

Secret Service and Homeland Security had to shut down the White House in an effort to locate the President's missing pack of Kool 100 lights. "Where's my smokes!?!" was all they heard screeching from the oval office.
Since this last post, we have just been given the 20 on the smokes.
The Kools were safely tucked away in the freezer.

Jul 1, 2010

My Social Network Facebook Movie Poster Meme

As an ode to the upcoming movie, The Social Network, I wanted to get a feel for my very own movie poster.
I don't think anyone would disagree that mine is better.

Jun 23, 2010

Google: Honesty is Our Policy

We love Google for many reasons; finding a great restaurant, getting directions to the new neighborhood brothel, background checks on a potential mate, etc. One of the great features of Google, that I’m always excited about, if I misspell a word Google doesn’t hesitate to correct me.

Google is like a best friend who gives it to you straight. No bullshit. How could you not love a friend like that? Just the other day, I consulted my human friend as to which suit I should wear to an interview. She wasn’t much help at all. At which point, I had to turn to Google for answers.

Google provided an endless list of how to dress for success, not to mention a bevy of articles on how to interview like a pro! Being a woman of color, I have to stand out. First impressions are everything!

Well, I didn’t get the job. I tried following up with previous employers and staffing agents for help to no avail. So like always, I turn to Google for answers in hopes that it will provide this Arizona native some insight. And as always Google keeps it real.

Jun 17, 2010

6 Things You Should Never Say to a Lesbian

  1. You're a dick
  2. Should I take the weenies out of the Franco beans & weenies?
  3. Is there an app for that?
  4. Who is Jeremy?
  5. Is it always sunny in Vagina, I mean Virginia, I mean Colorado?
  6. You're a lesbian? Really? Really? Really? For reals?

Jun 14, 2010

Bullwash: The Bullshit Eliminator

The Bullshit Eliminator: Bullwash

Tired of hearing bullshit with your Duck a L’Orange?
Irritated for sending your poached salmon with black truffles back because it came with a side order of horseshit?
Not in the mood for a Tiger Woods press conference apology?
Wish your date respected the sensational art of STFU?

Not only does Bullwash remove harsh enzymes that produce diarrhea of the mouth, it also freshens your breath! Bullwash is medically designed to de-bullshit your date for up to 4 hours! And for overnight booty calls, try extra strength Bullwash with a time release formula.

Bullwash annihilates oral bacteria to prevent crap from seeping from the orifices of the mouth, thus killing the mouth dandruff that forms lies, horseshit and other acne of the tongue.

Apr 4, 2010

Bridal Magazines to Display Surgeon General Warning

Surgeon General Regina Benjamin has issued an emergency recall on all bridal magazines. Effective immediately all bridal magazines will be display the following surgeon general warning:

  • May cause vomiting
  • Known to cause diarrhea
  • May cause headaches and loss of that last nerve
  • May cause a slow and painful death
  • May cause aging
  • May resort in unwarranted STDs
  • May cause worry and hallucinations
  • Proven to alienate your single friends
  • Fatalities include becoming a “WE” person
  • May reduce sperm count
  • High results in “Fuck you, too!” mannerisms
  • Tiger Woods, Jesse James, etc.
  • Divorce
  • Sharing
  • Reduction in sexual activity
  • Vegas with the boys...yeah right!
  • May clog the arteries and cause high blood pressure
  • In-laws
  • You still have to wake up with this person…everyday
  • Inability to dress yourself
  • Nagging
  • Death, but not just any death because that would be too easy. This kind comes slow, painful, like a gaseline-kissed torch affecting all vital organs. The kidneys are known to go first.

by Keshia Kola

Man Finally Evolves Ahead of Woman

Since the dawn of time, the female species has ruled a step ahead on the developmental trajectory as the smarter and highly adaptable creatures among the sexes. She develops, swims, walks and talks at a far earlier stage of growth than her counterpart.

Maturing three times faster, it is the She who has always had the cerebral advantage over males, learning to achieve and accomplish goals miles ahead of the average He. “My older brothers are so stupid, it’s embarrassing! I beat them in everything. Pick a game, any game! It’s like playing with lame ass slinkies, they’re good for nothing, but fun as hell to throw down steps,” says second grader, Simone Carver.

Dr. Friedrich Fuchs von Wilhelm, a renowned professor at the Fuchenstein Institute, has conducted years of research and study into this matter. “It is to be male, not female. It’s the law. I don’t understand how over the years that men have grown into such pussies! No more boys to men, it’s more like boys to punk bitches! Mother Nature will not stand for this!”

“It doesn’t matter that they’re gay, they have a penis! Man then woman, that’s the way nature intended."
Evolution has introduced a new superhuman male, one who has outgrown, outsmarted and supersedes both the average male and female in various areas of expertise. This superhuman possess outstanding qualities in every facet of our growing society. In order to compete in today’s fast lane, Mother Nature continues to impress with this brand of species; the queer eye.

“It doesn’t matter that they’re gay, they have a penis! Man then woman, that’s the way nature intended. It’s about survival and maintaining the lead. If you don’t have a gay friend, family member or neighbor your general life span can and will suffer. The gays have more class, are more successful, have more brass, balls and brawn than some of the gutless wonders running amok in this great country of ours,” rants Dr. Friedrich.

We all develop at various stages in growth. The total brain size for females’ peaks at 11.5 years of age and 14.5 in males, but for the superhuman gay male, his peaks at an incredible age of seven! To support these findings, Dr. Friedrich administered several tests on 300 kiddies at the tender age of three. He noted how each differs in ideas, motivation and substance. His research has led him to astonishing discoveries. “Children are fascinating! It’s amazing what they can accomplish at such a young age,” says the good doctor. After a considerable amount of testing, screaming, biting, gum removal and a quick spot mop of vomit, Friedrich’s team was able to put together the following results.

The average 3yr female displays, with confidence, the following achievements:

Math, she definitely knows if you took something of hers.
Competitive attitude
Spending money
Able to order shoes on the computer
Whoring attention

Average 3yr old Male: Kyle was asked to draw a star. He tried his best.

Making a mess
Destroying property and the property of others
Finding the cookie jar
Using head as a weapon
Developing the perfect root beer belly
Dog poo vs chocolate
Still struggles with coloring books, but is making fast improvements

Average 3 yr old Gay Male: Jeremy built and designed this himself.

Dancing/ Choreography
Media Relations
Art of War
Event Coordination
Shaving/ Waxing
Interior Design

Apr 1, 2010


Born legally blind, Thomas Moore achieved more than the average man. After three major and highly experiemental surgeries, Moore was finally able to see the ugly in his wife and the three children he left behind. Moore, 37, died in a heinous head-on automobile collision one beautiful Sunday afternoon. He didn't see the stop sign.